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Text description of support process diagram

The support process is shown as a science experiment:

  1. The spirit burner represents inspiration (positive culture; catalyst; ideas lab; partners).
  2. The flask being heated by the spirit burner represents the Oxford / Thames Valley Ecosystem (academics and professionals from University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes University; healthcare professionals from NHS Trusts; digital developers; investors, innovators and entrepreneurs; patients and carers).
  3. A tube represents the development pipeline (stage-gated system; experts in residence; bespoke programme), which connects the flask to a second flask.
  4. The second flask represents support (workshops; demonstrations; group sessions; conferences; social mixers; NHS roundtables; 1:1 support; mentoring) and connects to a bottle.
  5. The bottle represents the end product: commercial and impactful solutions (improving lives of patients and staff; efficiencies in healthcare practice; commercial products; customers and sales; working business models; funding sources; full time teams).

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