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TheHill is a part of Oxford University Hospitals, reporting into the Chief Digital and Partnerships Officer. We also have an external advisory board to maintain our relationships with key partners and to support the governance of our work outside the hospital, e.g. with companies, the Integrated Care Board and other Trusts.

TheHill is led by the Director, who is supported by a senior management team.

Transparency Statement: Funding and Collaborative Working.

TheHill is a health and care digital transformation catalyst, part of Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUH). We work locally, nationally and internationally with the NHS, hospitals, educators, digital developers, innovators and investors to promote and encourage commercial and impactful technological solutions to problems in health and care.

TheHill is committed to transparency about how it is financed and its relationships with external organisations, including sponsorship, grant-funding and partnerships.

Our programmes and activities are funded by:

  • OUH
  • Grants
  • Sponsorships and partnerships with external organisations including companies from our ecosystem
  • Charges for a range of services including digital skills programmes, grant writing, event management and facilitation, marketing and design

Sponsorship and partnership funding are key to the long-term sustainability of our organisation and our ability to meet our strategic objectives. TheHill seeks to generate funding to support its accelerator programmes and digital skills for healthcare education, adhering to the following guidelines.

  • Any funded collaborative work must benefit our ecosystem and support our strategic objectives.
  • TheHill is transparent about who we are working with as sponsors and partners.
  • Partners and sponsors will not have control or undue influence over our activities and strategy.
  • All sponsors are selected using criteria to avoid conflicts of interest and are required to state their sponsorship of our programmes and events in any bid or proposal to OUH or any other public body.
  • There are no implied benefits for future bids and proposals to OUH or other public bodies by taking part in sponsorships or partnerships with TheHill.