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Funding Opportunities

Current funding opportunities include:

In order of closing date

SBRI Healthcare: Competition 26 – Stroke

Opening Date: 31 July 2024
Closing Date: 18 September 2024


The aim of the competition is to facilitate the collection of evidence in real-world settings and build on the value proposition required by commissioners and regulators to accelerate the uptake of the innovation into relevant health or social care settings.

The competition is open to any innovation (e.g., medical device, in-vitro diagnostic, digital health solutions and AI solutions, behavioural interventions, and service improvements) that meets the entry criteria and the challenges described in the Challenge brief.

The upper funding limit of SBRI Healthcare Phase 3 competitions is £500,000 excluding VAT.

SBRI Healthcare: Urgent & Emergency Care

Opening Date: 31 July 2024
Closing Date: 18 September 2024


Competition 26 – Urgent & Emergency Care, Phase 3, aims to identify innovations at an advanced stage of development that address three priority areas:

  • Health and Care outside of Hospitals: Accessing the Right Care and Reducing Demand
  • Reducing Length of Stay and Improving Discharge
  • Supporting Workforce.

The aim of the competition is to facilitate the collection of evidence in real-world settings and build on the value proposition required by commissioners and regulators to accelerate the uptake of the innovation into relevant health or social care settings.

The competition is open to any innovation (e.g., medical device, in-vitro diagnostic, digital health solutions and AI solutions, behavioural interventions, and service improvements) that meets the entry criteria and the challenges described in the Challenge brief.

The upper funding limit of SBRI Healthcare Phase 3 competitions is £500,000 excluding VAT.

UKRI Digital Research Technical Professional Skills NetworkPlus (Grant)

Opening Date: 22 April 2024, 9:00am
Closing Date: 2 October 2024, 4:00pm


Apply for funding for a Digital Research Technical Professional (RTP) Skills NetworkPlus, which brings together disciplines, sectors, and domains to address cross-cutting challenges related to digital RTP skills and careers.

You will provide leadership, coordinate collaborations, seed better ways of working, and catalyse learning, capability, and capacity for digital RTPs.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI funding.

The full economic cost (FEC) of the awards can be up to £2,000,000. UKRI will fund 80% of the FEC. Awards will start by 1 April 2025 for up to 48 months.

Racial Diversity UK Fund

Closing date: 14 October 2024

Research funding to understand the barriers and pathways to a racially just and inclusive society.

Grants from £15,000 to £750,000 are available.

The Racial Diversity UK programme aims to be broad in its reach, interested in questions of socio-economic equality, senses of place, belonging and identity, barriers to and opportunities for inclusion, demographic trajectories, and the interrelationship between these themes. Research may also address how the UK compares internationally. Race and ethnicity should be the central focus from which any intersectionality with class, disability, gender, place and other dynamics would be explored.

NIHR i4i Launch Dates: Product Development Award

Opens: 10 October 2024
Closes: 5 December 2024

i4i Product Development Awards (PDA) support collaborative research and development of medical devices, in vitro diagnostic devices and high-impact patient-focused digital health technologies for use in the NHS or social care system. The expected focus of a PDA is product development required to enable a technology for clinical use or use in social care and/or the clinical development of a laboratory-validated technology or intervention. The research proposals may address any area of unmet need. Projects must have a clear pathway towards adoption and commercialisation.

How much: £50,000-£150,000
How long: 6-12 month period

24/59 Behavioural overweight and obesity management interventions that include long term support in achieving and maintaining weight loss in children and young people

Closes: 13 December 2024

The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this topic.

In order to apply you will need to carefully review the:

Please consult the NIHR Specialist Centre for Public Health (SCPH) about the design of your research as soon as possible. Successful applications generally require a long time (several months) to develop.

Horizon Europe Guarantee – EIT KICs 2023 

Registration Closes: Tuesday 31st December 2024

The ’Horizon Europe guarantee’ scheme provides funding to researchers and innovators unable to receive their Horizon Europe funding while the UK is in the process of associating to the programme. The guarantee is a short-term measure intended to address the delays in the formalisation of the UK’s association to Horizon Europe. 

This guarantee covers the costs of EIT-eligible activities delivered by UK participants of the KICs in 2021, 2022, and 2023 that would otherwise have been covered by grant funding awarded by EIT. 

BridgeAI: Turing Commons | The Alan Turing Institute 

Registration Closes: Tuesday 31 December 2024

The ‘Turing Commons’ is for researchers, ethicists, sociologists, policymakers, or anyone with an interest in responsible data-driven technology. There are three skills tracks, each aimed at a different audience:

  • Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) – primarily for researchers with an active interest in data science or AI research and innovation. 
  • Public Engagement of Data Science and AI (PED) – primarily for researchers with an active interest in public engagement, specifically in the context of data science and artificial intelligence. 
  • AI Ethics & Governance (AEG) – primarily for researchers with an active interest in the ethics and governance of data science and AI.

Longstanding funding opportunities:

EIC Accelerator (UK based organisations are eligible)

The EIC Accelerator supports individual small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to develop and scale game-changing innovations providing substantial financial support with:

grant funding (non-dilutive) of up to €2.5 million for innovation development costs, including demonstration of the technology in the relevant environment, prototyping and system level demonstration, R&D and testing required to meet regulatory and standardisation requirements, intellectual property management, and marketing approval (e.g. at least TRL 5/6 to 8).

investments (direct equity investments or quasi-equity such as convertible loans- for EU based organisations only) of up to €15 million managed by the EIC Fund for scale up and other relevant costs.

Innovate UK Smart Grants

The Innovate UK Smart grant funds a cross-sector portfolio to support SMEs and their partners to develop the best game changing and word-leading projects. Applications can come from any area of technology and be applied to any part of the economy. Projects of 6 to 18 months must have total eligible project costs between £100,000 and £500,000 and can be single or collaborative. 19 to 36 month projects must have total eligible project costs between £100,000 and £2 million and must be collaborative.


TheHill is always open to collaborations and keen to partner with other organisations as consortium member on collaborative projects, if you are interested please complete our triage form.