We would like to invite our OUH colleagues to engage with new concepts from both internal and external digital/tech companies who are developing with specific conditions and challenges in mind. This showcase is themed around Covid-19 challenges.
- To make this as close as possible to a real life showcase and accessible for those who are short of time; we will be running two 50 minute sessions enabling people to visit a selection of 6 companies.
There will be two sessions:
1. 9.30-10.20 with a panel introduction and then the opportunity to browse the showcased companies virtual stands. This session is for OUH only – to book please use your OUH email address.
2. 10.30-11.20 a browsing session to visit the showcased companies virtual stands – for OUH and other NHS staff please use OUH/NHS email address and see separate Eventbrite booking. This session will take place on Teams. The link and a brochure with more detailed information about the companies and technology featured will be issued before the event.
If you are a company wishing to register your interest in participating in this event, please fill in our application form.
For more information email Abdul Gufar at TheHill