TheHill as part of the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with Region Skane (Sweden) and Trinity College (Dublin) is offering a 6-week training programme designed to support early stage start-ups and SME focused on digital health. This EIT Health funded initiative is aimed at tackling three key challenges facing start-ups offering digital solutions in the healthcare sector including: customer acceptance, integration with existing technology and systems, and international expansion.
EIT Health Bootcamps are intensive incubation programmes for European teams with an idea for a new healthcare product that is in the research and development stage.
Bootcamps target teams of MSc, MDs and PhD students and/or postdocs, patients, informal caregivers and collaborators, as well as professionals. The teams are supported in designing and validating a business model. Bootcamps give participants an understanding of the market potential, competition and target customers for their innovations.
The six EIT Health Bootcamps in 2020 are: CRAASH Barcelona, BioEntrepreneur Bootcamp, Patient Innovation Bootcamp, OpenAPI Bootcamp, MedTech Bootcamp, and Validation Lab Bootcamp. Companies registered with TheHill are eligible to apply for any of these.
TheHill’s Bootcamp
Our Bootcamp will introduce you to the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard for the Application Programming Interface (API) which means your product will be able to integrate with the major providers of EPR systems. Representatives of some of those services will be present to help troubleshoot your technical integration in addition to the marketing and business advice you need for your product.
Project teams will benefit from direct exposure to the British and Swedish healthcare ecosystems, insights from the Irish system, and sessions geared to user-centred design and open-API design for generalisation, internationalisation and portability. Technical advice and real-world case studies from system providers within the industry will help teams develop their innovations to be compatible with existing systems across three different countries.
The training programme includes intensive online training and mentoring from experienced industry professionals including talks, master classes, workshops, online social events, peer learning and mentoring. Ten teams will work through their product-market and product-solution fit; focusing particularly on fit with user practices, technical integration with major electronic patient record providers (such as Cerner, Intersystems, Philips, Graphnet and others) and generalisation across multiple healthcare systems.