Sometimes the business models that work for innovations in the purely commercial sector don’t go down well in the NHS. There is an increasing desire by Trusts across the country to capture some of the value of innovations in order to re-invest in improvements for patients. This talk and panel discussion will explore what business models do and don’t work and what you should think about when designing your model.
Who should attend?
Incorporated start-ups/registered sole trader entrepreneurs with digital health innovations and early stage teams who have not yet incorporated but may have an interest and be about to do so.
TheHill is Oxfordshire’s digital health innovation community; bringing together patients, carers, nurses, doctors, healthcare professionals, designers, developers, researchers, business leaders and investors.
Please note that the workshop is part-funded by European Regional Development Funded (ERDF) and is available to eligible SME applicants as part of phase 2 of the Innovation Support for Business (ISfB) programme. Sign up to this event to express your interest for an ERDF funded place and a member of the ISfB team will follow up with you. Please note that a place on the workshop will not be reserved through making an Eventbrite booking until you have completed and returned an ISfB application form to a member of the ISfB team. A maximum of one ERDF funded ticket per business is available. Please note that the tickets for eligible SMEs are for registered, Limited Companies or people registered for tax purposes as Sole Traders. Please do not try to register if you are a student or pre-start up.